File #: 22-0850    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Bid & Purchase Status: Passed
File created: 10/19/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/2/2022 Final action: 11/2/2022
Title: Maintenance/General Services Agreement for As-Needed Painting Services with Tony Painting, Inc.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Exhibit 1 - RFP 22-075RH, 3. Exhibit 2 - Bid Summary, 4. Exhibit 3 - MGSA with Tony Painting, Inc.






DATE:                                          11/02/2022


TO:                                          Honorable Mayor and City Council Members

Honorable President and Board Members


FROM:                                          Utilities Department




Maintenance/General Services Agreement for As-Needed Painting Services with Tony Painting, Inc.




This staff report asks the City Council to approve an Agreement for as-needed painting and corrosion control in the amount not to exceed $450,000. The City of Corona Utilities Department owns, maintains, and operates water treatment plants, sewer plants, reclaimed water facilities, electric infrastructure, well sites, booster stations, pressure reducing stations, lift stations, and potable water, sewer and reclaimed water horizontal facilities. Painting these facilities will prolong their useful life and aid in providing uninterrupted services to customers and compliance with all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements and permits.



Recommended action                     

That the:


a.                     City Council award Request for Proposal 22-075RH for As-Needed Painting Services to Tony Painting, Inc., in the amount of $450,000 and waive any and all minor irregularities in the bidding document as submitted by said bidder.


b.                     City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the Maintenance/General Services Agreement with Tony Painting, Inc. in the amount of $450,000 per fiscal year and authorize the extension of the agreement with two (2) additional two (2) year optional renewal periods.


c.                     City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate and execute non-substantive extensions, change orders and amendments up to 10% of total contract cost or $45,000 as authorized by Corona Municipal Code Section 3.08.060(J).


d.                     City Council authorize the Purchasing Manager to issue a purchase order to Tony Painting, Inc. in the amount of $450,000.


e.                     Corona Utility Authority review, ratify, and to the extent necessary, direct the City Council to take the above actions.




Utilities Department (UD) maintains and operates 4 water treatment plants, 24 well sites, 18 booster stations, 19 water storage tanks, 46 pressure reducing stations, 3 sewer treatment plants, 14 sewer lift stations, 3 reclaimed water booster stations, approximately 9,000 potable water hydrants, 822 air-vacs, 602 blow-offs and 243 combination airvacs/blow-offs to reliably serve the residents and businesses of the City of Corona and its service area. These facilities and equipment need protection against corrosion and ultra-violet rays.

The UD has preventative and corrective maintenance programs in place to prolong the useful life of the Department’s assets, which include painting and corrosion control. UD requests funds for these programs during each fiscal year’s (FY) budget approval process. Aside from aesthetics, painting and corrosion control help protect the assets from early deterioration. During the FY 2023 budget process, the City Council approved funds for painting and corrosion control in the Utilities Department operating budget within the Sewer Utility Fund 572, Water Utility Fund 570, Reclaimed Water Utility Fund 567, and Electric Utility Fund 578 for preventative and corrective maintenance.



In order to select a vendor that best serves the City’s service needs, the Purchasing Division conducted a competitive procurement process by means of a Request for Proposal (RFP), as allowed by Corona Municipal Code (CMC) Section 3.08.060(H). Staff believes that the RFP conducted for these services is in the best interest of the City because of the importance of high quality workmanship of corrosion control and commercial painting. Specifically, an RFP allows staff to evaluate potential contractors on additional criteria other than their bid amount, such as their staffing levels, performance with similar municipal agencies, and their safety history.


The evaluation of the proposals was based on four essential criteria: 1. Work Plan/Work Organization; 2. Qualifications of Company and Personnel; 3. Approach to Safety Measures; 4. Cost proposal.


RFP 22-075RH was advertised in the Sentinel Weekly pursuant to CMC Section 3.08.110 non-public projects formal bidding procedure requirements on August 16, 2022.


UD’s staff prepared a comprehensive price form along with the scope of work and approved materials. The successful bidder is required to furnish all materials, transportation, labor, equipment and all services and materials necessary to facilitate and complete the comprehensive scope of work at a fixed per square foot rate for different surfaces and finishes.


The City received one (1) responsive and responsible bid by the submission date of September 19, 2022.  Tony Painting was evaluated and scored satisfactory in all evaluation criteria.


The summary of proposal scoring and evaluation rankings are presented below:




Tony Painting, Inc

Grand Terrace, CA


The RFP included comprehensive bidding criteria for all bidders to provide specific pricing. Criteria included interior and exterior exposure, flat walls, metal, concrete, plastic and drywalled surfaces, round, oblong or irregular shaped surfaces including but not limited to buildings, equipment, piping and tanks  As noted in Exhibit 1, the package for RFP 22-075RH provided pricing sheet examples to clarify that costs should include furnishing all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, transportation and any other incidental or additional costs to complete all obligations of the work described.  Staff feels the pricing submitted by Tony Painting, Inc. is appropriate and considers all relevant factors. The Utilities Department recommends approval of the Maintenance/General Services Agreement with Tony Painting, Inc. in response to RFP 22-075RH.


The contract amount for these services is non-guaranteed and depends on the needs of the Department each fiscal year.



Funding for the recommended action is included in the Fiscal Year 2023 Utilities Department Operating Budget within the Sewer Utility Fund 572, Water Utility Fund 570, Reclaimed Water Utility Fund 567, and Electric Utility Fund 578. Funding for future fiscal years’ service will be recommended through the annual budget process.



This action is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which states that operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the CEQA determination, and is therefore exempt from CEQA. This action involves painting and corrosion control. Therefore, no environmental analysis is required.








1.                     Exhibit 1 - RFP 22-075RH

2.                     Exhibit 2 - RFP Summary

3.                     Exhibit 3 - MGSA with Tony Painting, Inc.