DATE: 05/22/2023
TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners
FROM: Planning & Development Department
GPCD2023-0001: Request for a General Plan Consistency Determination regarding the City of Corona's FY 2023/24 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). (Applicant: City of Corona)
Recommended action
That the Planning and Housing Commission adopt Resolution No. 2610 and report to the City Council that the FY 2023/24 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is consistent with the City of Corona 2020-2040 General Plan Goals and Policies.
California Government Code Section 65401 requires the Planning & Housing Commission to review the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the upcoming fiscal year, and report the Program's conformity with the City's General Plan to the City Council.
Attached as Exhibit 2 to this report is a table listing 164 CIP projects for FY 2023/24. The table provides a brief description of each project and the corresponding General Plan Goals and Policies relevant to each project. The list of projects was provided by the City's Finance Department.
Many of the FY 2023/2024 projects have carried over from budgets in previous years, and therefore many of the projects have already been deemed consistent by the Planning Commission. Of the 164 FY 2023/24 projects, sixty-two (62) have not been reviewed by the Planning Commission previously, and therefore require a determination of consistency at this time. A column on the right side of the Consistency Table identifies projects that are "new GPCD items", versus those that were considered in prior years. For convenience, staff has also highlighted the projects in orange that were previously deemed consistent by the Planning Commission.
It is worth noting that a number of the projects listed as "new GPCD items" may have already been funded or started construction. Reasons for this m...
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