DATE: 5/8/2023
TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners
FROM: Planning and Development Department
ZTA2023-0002: Amendment to Title 17 of the Corona Municipal Code to amend the permitted land uses in the commercial zones listed in Chapter 17.33 and Chapter 17.35 to allow residential land uses pursuant to Senate Bill 6 and Assembly Bill 2011. (Applicant: City of Corona)
Recommended action
That the Planning and Housing Commission recommend ADOPTION OF ZTA2023-0002 to the City Council, based on the findings contained in the staff report.
California Senate Bill 6 (SB 6) is named the Middle-Class Housing Act of 2022 and California Assembly Bill 2011 (AB 2011) is named the Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022. Both bills were signed by the Governor on September 28, 2022 and become effective July 1, 2023.
Both bills allow high density residential housing on property zoned to allow office, retail or parking. High density residential housing would be allowed by-right and does not require the zoning or the General Plan of the property to be changed. There are subtle differences between the bills and the following table describes the requirements of each bill.
SB 6
AB 2011
Allowed on property zoned to allow office, retail and parking
Allowed on property zoned to allow office, retail and parking
NO affordable housing required
Affordable housing required
Housing developments can include:
a) Residential only, and
b) Mixed Use, if 50% or more square feet is designated residential and no lodging uses like a hotel.
Housing developments can include:
a) 100% affordable residential units, and
b) Mixed income housing (rental housing requires 8% and 5% of units for low income and extremely low income, respectively; owner occupied housing requires 30% of units for moderate income or 15% for low income)
Property is 20 acres or less
Property i...
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